It was so bad, I had to console myself with champagne and mirror videos.

What Would You Give Up…for Bad Sex?

North Star
6 min read6 days ago


You might think the answer is obvious, but it’s probably not.

No one wants bad sex, right?

However, there are lots of scenarios where people trade something for bad sex. Sometimes, it’s just mediocre. Sometimes it’s wildly swinging (LOL) from good to bad.

Here’s what I know, from experience:

  • I have been that person, who trades her time and energy for the attention of a person, ultimately unworthy of me, for weeks before I figure it out.
  • I have twisted myself in mental knots, trying to justify why a person that I’d normally never waste time with is suddenly an intriguing option for me. (It’s usually because I’m heartbroken about someone else.)
  • I have driven hours for something with great promise, only to be stuck in a compromising position and arguing about what’s the necessary safety requirement, as well as the minimum necessary orgasm requirement. Not happy. Not doing that again.
  • On occasion, I have been the confident woman seduced not by a equally interesting man, but by a person who reminded me of someone I once cared about, or someone who pissed me off in just the right trauma-linked way that I could not disengage. (Oh, look, same cause…I’m heartbroken about someone else.)
  • Sometimes, it’s “out of the…



North Star

Curiosity flows and I must write. Join me for adventures & insights about my kinky, polyamorous adventures. For more: