Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it takes a lot of tending, sometimes you melt the wrong thing!

The Stages of New Poly People

North Star
2 min readApr 24, 2023


It’s both unpredictable….and completely predictable!

Preliminary stages:

“I have this thought that no one else does…”

“Wait, that’s crazy.”

“Is it though? Seems common. hmmm.”

“Wait, maybe…there are others…”

{looks for a podcast on polyamory}

“I’m going to see if I can find out more…”

Stage 1: Sounds like a lot of work.

“But…it works for some people…intriguing”

{reads blogs, wheels turning}

“Would it work for me?”

“Let’s think through how I bring it up…”


{talks to therapist}

{tries out idea on a trusted friend or two}

Stage 1b: Let’s seriously talk about it …again

“What do you think?”

“Can we try it?”

“Let’s think through logistics….”

{reads books, slightly daunted}

“We can always change our minds….”

{tries to engage in two person research}

{looks at busy calendar}



North Star

Curiosity flows and I must write. Join me for adventures & insights about my kinky, polyamorous adventures. For more: