Lots of new updates in the terms and concepts you should know!
This list is always a work in progress, of course, because language and relationships are always evolving. When you do new things, you need new words!
And, some of them are shorthand I invented (as denoted by *) but also…could come from the poly-kink internet-ether.
5-minute float*: the five minute rush of happy chemicals (mostly endorphins and dopamine) that you share in mutual collapse after orgasms. (Can also last longer than 5 minutes, can also have a delayed onset.)
Adorosexual: word coined by my friend The Ould Brit to describe people (tend to be women) who get turned on by knowing they are turning on their partners. (Sometimes just by their very existence.) This concept is also known as reflexive desire.
Aftercare: when used in a sexual context, it’s how you and your partner support each other and check in after sex. It helps your body and mind adjust while the chemicals in your bloodstream dissipate, particularly after an intense emotional or physical scene in BDSM. However, it’s good to think about what you need, and what you like so you can communicate that ahead of time to your partner(s). (Example: I like to be cuddled for at least a few minutes, so please don’t get up and shower or head out the door right away.)