Out but not About: Poly Undercover

North Star
6 min readMar 11, 2023

The liminal space of being poly but not wanting to explain it to everyone…

We are in a new era, and it’s a bit confusing as I feel like more people in my life know that I am polyamorous. There are the people who know, the people who suspect and the people who can’t wrap their head around it. There are those who would be shocked, and there are those who would be intrigued. I honestly don’t know how to figure out which is which.

Friday Night Dress Up

Last night, I took a step, kind of a big one, to take my boyfriend to an event where there would definitely be people who knew me, who know I’m married, who know that he is NOT my husband. (Easy enough to figure out from Facebook though.) I have had more than a year of experience not explaining who BF is, at the pool, at my house, at trivia night, at soccer games and bar get-togethers. It is remarkable how you ACTUALLY do not have to explain who someone is beyond their name. Sometimes they venture a bit to say “How do you know him?” or “How do you know her?”

We also have our own social circles now where my husband is less known than my boyfriend, which is an interesting development, where I took my husband to a mixed poly/friend event and people were surprised to meet him instead.



North Star

Curiosity flows and I must write. Join me for adventures & insights about my kinky, polyamorous adventures. For more: Instagram.com/NorthStarMatches