Just when I think I’ve seen it all…New Highs and Lows + the Stats
- Several dozen new words added to the PolyQuinky Glossary!
- 1 kink convention and 4 sex parties
- 62 articles written and published on Medium including 6 book reports!
- Record views on a Medium story for “The No Questions Dating Trend for Men” which sparked a lot of debate, particularly from men.
- 1,090 straight days of texting with my partner, pushing our Telegram messages over 100,000 recently
- Started the year with my anchor partner living nearby, and my parenting / nesting partner, and….I can’t think of anyone else. Lots of chatting but very few dates.
- Ended the year with my anchor partner, a new partner and a long-distance situation where I’m the comet. The situation with my parenting / nesting partner is still evolving but likely to remain platonic and familial rather than romantic.
New Lows:
- I wrote an explicit relationship agreement prior to taking on a new power exchange partner who was interested in mind games and submission. We had fun until he got scared and made excuses to end things...and I got a fun quandary about what to do with the vial of semen left over from our role…